$250.00 p/w

22A Hidcote Road, Campbelltown NSW 2560

1 Bed

1 Bath

$250.00 p/w

22A Hidcote Road, Campbelltown NSW 2560

1 Bed

1 Bath

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Ideal Singles Retreat!

Fully self contained studio ideally located in ever popular Macarthur Gardens Estate, close to Macarthur Square shopping centre and transport.

Features include open plan bedroom and living area with split system air conditioner, nicely appointed kitchenette plus separate modern bathroom, enclosed laundry facility and off street parking.

Available from 2nd November

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* Visit our webpage murraykennedyrealestate.com.au
* Go to RENT , Rental Application
* Complete your Profile through tApp and upload documents, or
* Download and Print, then email to us at hello@murraykennedy.com.au

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Split System Aircon


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