$420.00 p/w

40A St Johns Road, Heckenberg NSW 2168

2 Bed

1 Bath

$420.00 p/w

40A St Johns Road, Heckenberg NSW 2168

2 Bed

1 Bath

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Modern Granny Flat

PLEASE NOTE: Inspections will not be arranged until your application is received -see below

This granny flat offers 2 bedrooms with built-in robes, tiled kitchen and living, modern appliances & gas cooking, split system air conditioner, laundrette in bathroom, a large outdoor patio area and rear yard, and on-street parking.

Available approx 1st March

Due to the volume of interest generated on our rental properties, we ask that you apply for the property initially to best streamline this process. All applications will be considered and you will be advised in due course. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

To apply online follow these easy steps
*To apply go to https://t-app.com.au/mk or
* Visit our webpage murraykennedyrealestate.com.au
* Go to Applications
* Download and Print, then email to us at hello@murraykennedy.com.au

Disclaimer: Murray Kennedy Real Estate presents the information contained herein believing it to be true and correct to the best of knowledge and ability. All interested parties are advised to carry out their own research and enquiries into any matters relating to this property.


Built In Robes

Split System Aircon


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