
About Jade Mutu

Hi, I’m Jade, and I’ve been Murray’s PA & running operations and sales for MKRE for the past three years. Before diving into real estate, I was a travel agent and marketer, and now I’m Murray’s go-to person for all things MKRE.

I’m also a proud mum of three, so I know a thing or two about multitasking. Balancing motherhood with managing operations and sales at MKRE is no small feat, but someone’s got to do it! I know my way around a spreadsheet like nobody’s business. When I’m not working, actually, scrap that, Im always working!

Yes, I still know my way around a travel brochure, but these days, I’m more focused on helping you find the perfect destination right here at home.

Real estate doesn’t have to be all serious, and I’m here to prove it. Whether you’re buying or selling, I’ll make sure the process is smooth, efficient, and maybe even a little fun. Give me a call, and let’s find your dream home together!

Jade Mutu's Properties

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